1. DAY MONDAY 31.1.2011
09:00 Meeting at IUC Introduction and Exercise 1
10:00 Excursion: Arboretum Trsteno- Ploce- Narona- Ston-Salines
20:00 Presentations at the IUC Medine Altiok,Krunoslav Ivanišin
20:00 Who is who? Students present themselves (each 5min / 3images) Formation of teams
2. DAY TUESDAY 1.2.2011
09:00 Lecture: Cristian Suau; Introduction Exercise 2
10:00 Studio work/ Excursion in teams to the sites
20:00 Lecture: Katarina Ivanisin Landscape paintings
3. DAY WEDNESDAY 2.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 3; Studio Work; Excursion to sites
20:00 Lecture: Medine Altiok, Visual Representation
4. DAY THURSDAY 3.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 4
09:30 Cultural Highlight Festa svetoga Vlaha
14:00 Studio Work; Group Tutorials
20:00 Group Presentations Pecha Kucha Style
5. DAY FRIDAY 4.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 5
09:30 Studio Work
18:00 Group Tutorials
09:00 Meeting at IUC Introduction and Exercise 1
10:00 Excursion: Arboretum Trsteno- Ploce- Narona- Ston-Salines
20:00 Presentations at the IUC Medine Altiok,Krunoslav Ivanišin
20:00 Who is who? Students present themselves (each 5min / 3images) Formation of teams
2. DAY TUESDAY 1.2.2011
09:00 Lecture: Cristian Suau; Introduction Exercise 2
10:00 Studio work/ Excursion in teams to the sites
20:00 Lecture: Katarina Ivanisin Landscape paintings
3. DAY WEDNESDAY 2.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 3; Studio Work; Excursion to sites
20:00 Lecture: Medine Altiok, Visual Representation
4. DAY THURSDAY 3.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 4
09:30 Cultural Highlight Festa svetoga Vlaha
14:00 Studio Work; Group Tutorials
20:00 Group Presentations Pecha Kucha Style
5. DAY FRIDAY 4.2.2011
09:00 Introduction Exercise 5
09:30 Studio Work
18:00 Group Tutorials