The deadline for applications is 5 August. A late deadline of 19 August is also in effect, but this will incur a £50 surcharge. Application form and additional information are availble online at: Applications can be submitted online and via email to: All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required for entry to Morocco, and are advised to contact their home embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop. Applicants are advised to contact the AA as soon as possible in order to apply and confirm a place, as space is limited.
Partial scholarships are available for extraordinary students (£200 discount on participation costs). To apply, please send a PDF (maximum three pages of A4) including a short CV and photo, contact details, a supporting statement and samples of your work by 4.00pm, 05 August 2011 to
We have received many applications for partial scholarships, but will still consider exceptional applications until 19 August FEES
The AA Visiting School requires a fee of £650 per participant, which includes a £50 Visiting Student Membership. Fees do not include flights. Accommodation during the workshop is not provided, but accommodation at an affordable hotel can be advised. Students need to bring their own laptops and digital equipments.
The deadline for applications is 5 August. A late deadline of 19 August is also in effect, but this will incur a £50 surcharge. Application form and additional information are availble online at: Applications can be submitted online and via email to: All participants travelling from abroad are responsible for securing any visa required for entry to Morocco, and are advised to contact their home embassy early. After payment of fees, the AA School can provide a letter confirming participation in the workshop. Applicants are advised to contact the AA as soon as possible in order to apply and confirm a place, as space is limited.
Partial scholarships are available for extraordinary students (£200 discount on participation costs). To apply, please send a PDF (maximum three pages of A4) including a short CV and photo, contact details, a supporting statement and samples of your work by 4.00pm, 05 August 2011 to
We have received many applications for partial scholarships, but will still consider exceptional applications until 19 August FEES
The AA Visiting School requires a fee of £650 per participant, which includes a £50 Visiting Student Membership. Fees do not include flights. Accommodation during the workshop is not provided, but accommodation at an affordable hotel can be advised. Students need to bring their own laptops and digital equipments.